venerdì 7 luglio 2023


The patient fell from a tree and got fracture of the right tibia.
Falling from a tree is a common cause of fracture in our areas because
we have a lot of bee hives, which are located on the trees. Honey is
an important source of income for our farmers.
When collecting the honey, the farmers climb trees at night, when bees
are asleep; they fumigate the bee hive with smoke to make the insects
fly away and then they collect the precious and sweet harvest.
But sometimes they get stung by a bee; they can loose balance and fall
to the ground.
Dennis took some time on plaster before coming to our hospital,
because of lack of money.
But, thanks to the free implants donated by Sign, he finally got operated.
Fortunately the operation was successful and the patient was able to
walk with crutches within four days.
He was also cooperative during the follow up, above all with squatting
exercises, and now he is totally healed with no Sign of infection.
Dennis is back to his farming, although he sends somebody else on the
trees to collect the honey at night.
Another life has been mended through a Sign nail.
Thanks a lot, Sign Family.

Dr Gaido

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